Program Resources
I aim to only put free and open source (preferrable) programs here. Anything paid is noted.
Website Builders
+ atom.io - A hackable text editor for the 21st century+ Quill - A wysiwyg rich text editor for the modern web
+ textbox.io - A wysiwyg rich text editor for HTML
+ Notepad++ - A text editor and Notepad replacement for coding
+ kite - An AI assisted coding tool
+ SeaMoneky Composer - HTML editor that is part of the SM suite
+ Bluefish - An open source code editor
+ Microsoft Visual Studio - Microsoft's free alternative to Adobe Dreamweaver
+ CoffeeCup - Alternative to Dreamweaver. Free and $26 version available
Graphics Programs
+ Krita - An open source graphics program focused on 2D animation and digital art+ GIMP - An open source alternative to Adobe Photoshop
+ Paint.net - A simpler photo editing software, with plugins to give it more photoshop tools
+ FireAlpaca - A graphics program focused on digital painting
+ PISKEL - An open source pixel editing program. Available in browser and offline download
+ PikoPixel - A pixel editing program for Macs
+ GrafX2 - A pixel editing program inspired by old amiga software
+ LOSPEC - A browser based pixel editing program
Video Editors
+ Davinci Resolve - Adobe Premiere alternative+ Lightworks - Adobe Premiere alternative
+ Ebsynth - An AI driven rotoscoping software
Audio Editors
+ Audacity - Large userbase open source audio editor+ Cakewalk - A full suite music recording, composing and editing software
+ GifCam - Make a gif of anything on your desktop screen+ ScreenToGif - Open-source gif recording and editing software
+ HTTrack - Offline website archiver and downloader
Code Resources
More in-depth help for all your page making needs.
+ Lissa Explains It All - HTML and CSS help aimed at kids. An OG and favorite+ W3 Schools - Probably the most comprehensive HTML, CSS, and Javascript resource on the web
I just think they're neat.
+ Gifcities - The Geocities Animated Gif search engine+ Yestersearch - A search engine curated to comb through "old web" content
+ VHSearch - Search Neocities
+ AniLinks - Anime focused website directory in the spirit of Anipike
+ Webcrawler - The oldest surviving search engine on the web